Try to remember the proudest day of your life. Maybe it was the birth of your child, or getting straight As in your degree course. It could even be that momentous day when you finally gave up smoking. Well, I admit that these are all of course magical moments which change your life forever. However, all of these pail into insignificance compared to the incident that occurred last Monday.

It was just another crisp English morning, not a hint in the air of the earth shattering events to follow. While sipping my tea, I sifted through the day's worthless and unsubscribable email spam ranging from the usual penile prosthetics, African gold investments and, more annoyingly, literary works of art written and shared by my friends which burnt holes in my retina to even see linger in my inbox. Halfway through deleting these pointless proses, my phone began to shake. A choir of angels began singing through the microphone and rays of heavenly sunlight burst out from the screen. It took just two seconds for me to realize that what I was witnessing was a genuine twenty first century miracle. Not one of those kindergarten wonders like turning water into wine or parting some old sea. This was an event that would never be equaled. More miraculous even than the raising of the dead. I rubbed my eyes to find I was still staring at an email image of our little Austin Eagles flag flying proudly at the Leicester game posted on the online site of no less than the world renowned newspaper The Croydon Advertiser. A photographer for this hugely influential publication local to Crystal Palace had snapped our flag hoisted high at the game. His editors had then managed to squeeze in this picture between the two prestigious international news events featuring the golden wedding anniversary or retirees Doris and John Trotter who run the village bingo hall and the unveiling of the remodeled butchers shop round the corner in the town of Little Widdlescome. It was at this moment I realized that all the hard work put in by you my Austin Eagles had not been in vain. This magical email was sent to me from Ryan Saulsbury, a lifelong Eagle who helps bring together like minded Crystal Palace fans throughout the continental United States and beyond. He saw our flag at the game, found our website and hunted us down through there. Since then I have been contacted by other Eagles fans in Austin eager to join forces. They even have their own Facebook page.

We are no longer alone my friends. Our fame will grow and one day, we shall outnumber the glory supporters of Manchester and Liverpool at Fados.

And if that wasn't enough good news, yesterday we beat the aforementioned Liverpool 2-1 at their ground to take us up to a vertigo inducing eighth in the league. Sadly we have to wait two weeks for another game which will be at 2pm Monday 23rd November against strugglers Sunderland. I may be hosting this game at my house that night starting at 8pm but I will update you closer to the time. Feel free to peruse other images from my trip to the games on the images section of this site.

Let this day forever be known as the day the Austin Eagles broke into the big time.


The official Crystal Palace Eagles fan club of Austin Texas