I do love a point but I am pretty sure what I love more is to watch Arsenal fans moping. They are so damn good at it.

Classic Palace performance today respecting the point with a fiery show of guts and determination. And not to ignore a great showing at Scholz for an early game. Thanks to all that came down and also to Scholz owner/operator Northcutt who today pledged his undying allegiance to our beloved club. The passion of the Palace could not be ignored by the Scholz boss and we welcome him into out feathery bosom. Like many of you all, he was magnetized to our blue collar fighting spirit and now, clad with an Austin Eagles scarf, shall be red and blue from this day forward.

Not only has he pledged Scholz to Palace but for the next game and on we shall see our 5 feet long Austin Eagles flag flying aloft inside the bar. We are officially the first, and most important of course, Premier League partner for Scholz and long may the relationship last.

Northcutt, thanks for everything and see you next weekend for more of the same.

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The official Crystal Palace Eagles fan club of Austin Texas